Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan Jobs 2023 Form
Here you can find all updates about the Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan Jobs which has the last date of 12th November 2023 to apply.
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L&JCP Jobs 2023 |
Department Name:
Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan
Last Date for Application Submission:
12th, November 2023
For Project Details:
Test Date:
Will be available after last date
Will be available after test
Introduction of L&JCP
The L&JCP is a Federal Government institution, headed by the Chief Justice of Pakistan and comprises other members. Including the Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court, Chief Justices of the High Courts, Attorney General for Pakistan, Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights and the Chairperson of National Commission on the Status of Women. The Commission comprises of Four other members, one from each province, appointed by the Federal Government, on the recommendation of the Chairman, in consultation with the Chief Justice of concerned High Court from amongst the persons who are or have been holders of a judicial or administrative office, eminent lawyers or jurists, persons of repute and integrity from civil society, members of the Council of Islamic Ideology or teachers of law in a university or college.
ADR is the mechanism for settling of disputes by means other than formal litigation; such as arbitration, mediation, or minitrials. For reducing the burden of pending cases in the courts at all levels of judicial hierarchy and expeditious dispensation of justice, implementation of ADR legal framework is to be ensured across the country. In this regard, a proposal for implementation of legal framework of ADR in Pakistan was placed before the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan/ Chairman, LJCP. His Lordship has been pleased to approve the proposal and constitute an ADR Committee to supervise the process of implementation of ADR legal framework across the country. And ensure coordinated and concerted efforts to implement the ADR laws by the relevant stakeholders.